Blog Announcement | Blog Blog

Blog Announcement

By The Team



This is an inaugural post for the new blog. In this blog, we’re going to discuss all kinds of topics related to building and manufacturing electronic hardware. We want this blog to become a how-to guide for anyone looking to build electronics at any scale as we add more posts, and we’d love for it to be a useful knowledge base for engineers and others to reference in the future.

What to expect

We’ll be periodically releasing posts covering the whole range of electronics manufacturing, starting from the basics and going all the way to advanced, deep-dive topics. The intent is that this blog post can be used as a reference for engineers looking for guidance and best practices to follow when building electronic hardware.

The first post in the series will be an overview of the basics of electronics manufacturing and a larger overview of the entire process of building hardware.

If you’d like to suggest a topic for us to cover, feel free to send an email!

About the Authors

Both Ryan Summers and Noah Hüsser started after building their own hardware. They want to lower the barrier to entry and make the entire process easier for companies.

Ryan specializes in hardware and firmware engineering for safety-critical systems. Ryan previously worked as an embedded engineer at SpaceX and has worked as a consultant for a multitude of embedded projects.

Noah is the author of and helped found Zigfred. Noah used the knowledge he gained founding Zigfred to help build

Both Noah and Ryan are active members of the Rust Embedded community, and you can easily get in contact with either of them in the Rust Embedded Matrix Channel.